Wednesday, November 30, 2011

BP#9 The Ordinary World

Using a book you are currently reading (or have just finished), describe the protagonist's ordinary world.

The ordinary world is the place where he or she feels the most comfortable and safe. Identify and describe the protagonist and then describe the key elements in their ordinary world, including people and objects.

Once you have described the protagonist's ordinary world, select an appropriate image to help convey the character's feelings for the people and objects in their ordinary world , and a direct quotation from the book to help your classmates see how the protagonist reacts to and functions within his or her ordinary world.

Consider how you might answer the following prompts before you select and provide an explanation for the image and quotation:

What pressures exist for the character in his/her ordinary world?
Who creates conflict or peace here?
Which elements create the most or least comfort?
Why is the character reluctant or excited to leave this world behind? etc.....

Make sure that you use the proper citations for this borrowed material (author, title page) for a direct quotation and MLA style bibliography for the image from the Internet (see in the 'Land O' Links': Easybib).

The MLA style Bibliographic entry for the image I selected for this page is:
"Up! House Image" KSL Radio., 29 Nov. 2011. Web. 30 Nov. 2011.

The proper MLA bibliographic format for citing websites is:

Editor, author, or compiler name (if available). Name of Site. Version number. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date of resource creation (if available). Medium of publication. Date of access.

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